Savings Calculator

Change your selections to see how your estimated potential savings can change.
Average Texas monthly usage is 1,000 kWh
Select your average electricity cost per kWh
{{ formatCurrency(usage * price) }}
{{ formatCurrency(usage * price * ac) }}
{{ formatCurrency(usage * price * heat) }}
{{ formatCurrency(usage * price * waterHeater) }}
{{ formatCurrency(days * hours * bulbs * (actualUsageOfBulb / 1000) * price * percentageOfSavings) }}
{{ formatCurrency(laundrySavings) }}
{{ formatCurrency(powerSavings) }}
Potential Savings
Monthly Summer {{ formatCurrency(usage * price * ac + usage * price * waterHeater + days * hours * bulbs * (actualUsageOfBulb / 1000) * price * percentageOfSavings + laundrySavings + powerSavings) }}
Monthly Winter {{ formatCurrency(usage * price * heat + usage * price * waterHeater + days * hours * bulbs * (actualUsageOfBulb / 1000) * price * percentageOfSavings + laundrySavings + powerSavings) }}
Annually {{ formatCurrency((usage * price * waterHeater + days * hours * bulbs * (actualUsageOfBulb / 1000) * price * percentageOfSavings + laundrySavings + powerSavings) * 12 + (usage * price * heat) * 6 + (usage * price * ac) * 6) }}

Note: This calculator is solely an estimate tool to help you better understand and estimate potential savings. Individual results may vary significantly month to month based on actual energy consumption, weather conditions, electricity plan, building size, and appliance types.